16.00 USD 32.00 USD 8.00 USD
per month
Name Color Gold Blue Blue
Tab Name Premium | [name] VIP | [name] VIP+ | [name]
Customizable + colour
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Lobby fireworks
Lobby effect trail
Lobby Double-Jump
Punch staff in the Lobby
Fly in the Lobby
Lobby Gadgets 1 7 7
FastBuilder Cosmetics 4 11 11
FastBuilder Firework on Session-Best
FastBuilder Firework on Personal-Best
FastBuilder Island Themes
Minesweeper Cosmetics 1 2 2
Verification Priority
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Emeralds Multiplier +100% +200% +300%
Instant Emeralds 50'000 200'000 100'000
Weekly gift of Premium
/premium <name>
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